Summer 2017

Five Sunday Nights July 9th to August 6th
7:15pm to 10:15pm - PerformanceWorks Northwest

Reserved for those with previous Paratheatre experience.
Facilitated by Antero Alli



Research, Lab Intent
This non-performance Lab will not culminate in any public production. We'll build personal ancestral altars to use during each session. These altars will help us focus into our ancestral sources and their expression through vocal creations, movement, and ritual. Everyone will also keep a ritual journal to record the results of each session.

The Ancestral Altars
Culture is not created by us but develops over centuries of daily interaction between DNA and geography, between people and their immediate womb environment. The ancestral bioregion - the specific topography, trees, herbs, etc. - provides clues to our ancestral culture. Images -- of the ancestral landscapes, family photographs & heirlooms, icons & totems - can be included in our altars to create focus for the ancestral memory portals. Other altar items include living material such as bark, leaves, herbs related to the ancestral bioregion. We will use a ritual journal to help us remember the words and images that sometimes surface from the Unconscious during ritual source work.


Antero Alli, Sylvi Alli
, Miriam Sluis, Memorie Eden,
Maple Holmes,
Wes Martusewicz, Cibyl Kavan, Ed Welsh


This physical vessel embodies the Subconscious, the internal landscape,
the pulse of vital organs, circulations of biosystems, electricity, blood & bones,
invisible to the mind until this mind turns around and faces its very own unknown,
listens for signals, feels for impulses, catches the scent of itself, this body vessel
containing the mysteries of past present future memories.
Ancestors riding the coattails of our breathing.

- A. Alli


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